Terms Of Service
Last updated: November 27, 2023

This document acts as an agreed-upon Terms of Service («Terms,» «Terms of Service») between you («User» or «you») and Piqle Inc. («Company»). You accept these Terms when you register with the mobile application Piqle — app for pickleball («Mobile Application»).

Your access to and use of the Mobile Application is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all Users, including but not limited to you. The company has the right at any time and at its own discretion to change these Terms. In this case, the updated version with changes in these Terms will be posted in the Mobile Application; you will be informed about the changes via an email sent to your email address specified by you during registration. Use of the Mobile Application after changes to these Terms will be regarded as your full acceptance of the changes.

By accessing or using the Mobile Application you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of these Terms then you shall not proceed with the registration.

1. Qualifications of the User in order to use the Mobile Application
You represent and warrant that you are at least Eighteen (18) years of age, are legally entitled to use the Internet and services like those provided by the Company, and have not had your right to use Mobile Application previously suspended or revoked by the Company.

2. Illegal and prohibited use
You represent and warrant that you will not use the Mobile Application for any criminal, illegal, or otherwise prohibited use, including but not limited to the activities related to money-laundering, drug selling or trafficking, human trafficking, weapon trafficking, terrorism, any kind of fraud, or tax evasion. You represent and warrant that you will not use the Mobile Application to assist any other party in such illegal activity.
You represent and warrant that you will not in any way use the Mobile Application to distribute spam, junk communications, or chain letters; reverse engineer or otherwise improperly access any of the Mobile Application’s underlying code or technical mechanisms; cause damage to the Mobile Application, the Company, third parties, and Users through any means by, including but not limited to the use of hacking, malware, viruses, illegitimate credentials, phishing, brute force attacks, SQL exploits, or any other method of detrimentally intercepting, interrupting, or damaging any information or functionality.

3. Registration and account
The use of the Mobile Application requires you to register and create an account with the Mobile Application («Account»). You warrant and represent that all information provided by you when creating such an Account is current, complete, and accurate. You agree to promptly notify the Company of any changes to any information that would cause the information provided upon your Account’s creation to no longer be current, complete, or accurate.
We may request you to provide additional information and/or verify your identity at any time prior to or during the use of the Mobile Application. If you refuse to provide the requested information or it will be determined that you may not use the Mobile Application for any reason, you will be denied access to the Mobile Application. In such case, your Account will be closed without the right to recover any damages from the Company.
You agree that you exclusively will access and use your Account, and may not transfer the right of its use or disclose any log-in credentials to others without the Company’s written consent. You agree to take full responsibility for any activity that occurs through the use of your Account, and cannot transfer this obligation to anyone else. You agree to notify the Company if you discover or suspect any security breaches or vulnerabilities related to the Mobile Application.

4. Damages caused by vulnerabilities inherent in the Internet and mobile apps
The use of the Internet and mobile apps may not be secure. You agree that the Company is not responsible whatsoever for any damages caused by the interception, loss, or alteration to any information sent over the Internet and through the Mobile Application. While the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure the security and privacy of any information transmitted during your use of the Mobile Application, in no event will any such information be considered «confidential» or will its disclosure to a third party, accidental or otherwise, cause liability against the Company, even if it occurs as a result of the Company’s negligence.
The Company takes every reasonable precaution to prevent and mitigate attacks. However, these problems still may occur from time to time for reasons that are out of the Company’s control. If the Company believes its Mobile Application has been compromised or is under attack, the Company reserves the right to immediately cease access to the Mobile Application until security is restored.
The Company makes no representation and does not warrant the safety of the Mobile Application and is not liable for any lost value or stolen property, regardless of whether the Company was negligent in providing appropriate security.

5. Users’ interaction outside the Mobile Application
The company is not obligated to verify the identity and background of the Users as well as the truthfulness of the information provided by the Users. The Company has no control over the Users’ interaction outside the Mobile Application. In no way, the Users shall rely on the information of other Users provided in their Accounts. The Users should exercise their own discretion and perform due diligence when interacting with other Users.

6. License
The Company grants you a limited, nonexclusive, non transferable license («License») to access and use the Mobile Application. This License is subject to these Terms. Any other use of the Mobile Application not expressly permitted by these Terms or in violation of any law is prohibited. All other rights are expressly reserved by the Company, including that to any content or functionality as presented on the Mobile Application. The «Piqle.io», «Piqle», and all logos related to the Mobile Application or displayed on the Mobile Application are trademarks or registered marks of the Company or its affiliates. You will not redistribute, claim ownership, license, deconstruct, reverse engineer, alter, incorporate into any other works, websites, or mobile apps or otherwise exploit any such content or functionality without prior express written consent of the Company.

7. Violation of the Terms of Service
The Company may terminate or suspend your License to use the Mobile Application without prior notice or liability for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to your breach of these Terms. Nothing in these Terms or in any other communication or action by the Company or its employees, agents, or representatives should be taken as a waiver of any legal remedies available to the Company for any event causing termination.
All provisions of the Terms, which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including but not limited to ownership provisions, disclaimers or limitations of obligations or liability, and indemnity.

8. Copyright in connection with the use of the Mobile Application
You agree that any materials, information, or communications, including but not limited to photographs and other images, uploaded by the User into the Mobile Application or otherwise transmitted by the User to the Company in any form and by any means are non-confidential and will become the sole, exclusive property of the Company. The Company will own all intellectual property rights to such communications or materials, and can use or disseminate them in a completely unrestricted fashion for any legal purpose, commercial or otherwise, without notifying or compensating you. You hereby waive any right to litigation or recovery for perceived damages caused by the use of this information and materials as is permissible by law.

9. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify, exculpate and hold the Company, its representatives, affiliates, employees, and service providers harmless from any claim or demand permissible by law arising out of or related to the use of the Mobile Application, including but not limited to any breach by you of these Terms or violation of any law, rule, or rights of a third party. You agree to pay for any legal fees or other costs incurred by the Company or any other indemnified parties as a result of your actions.

10. Disclaimer of warrants and guarantees
The Company does not guarantee any level of performance or the continued, uninterrupted availability of the Mobile Application. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided in the Mobile Application. The Company hereby disclaims all warrants and guarantees that are not expressly made in these Terms.

11. Applicable law and venue
The validity, interpretation, construction, and performance of these Terms, and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Delaware, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.

12. Arbitration
Except for any disputes, claims, suits, actions, causes of action, demands, or proceedings (collectively, «Disputes») in which either party seeks injunctive or other equitable relief for the alleged unlawful use of intellectual property, including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, trade names, logos, trade secrets or patents, you (i) waive your right to have any and all Disputes related to the Mobile Application resolved in court, and (ii) waive your right to a jury trial. Instead, you and the Company will arbitrate Disputes through binding arbitration (which is the referral of a Dispute to one or more persons charged with reviewing the Dispute and making a final and binding determination to resolve it instead of having the Dispute decided by a judge or jury in court).

13. No class arbitration, class action, or representative actions
Any Dispute arising out of or related to the Mobile Application or these Terms is personal to you and the Company and will be resolved solely through the individual arbitration, and will not be brought as a class arbitration, class action, or any other type of representative proceeding. You agree neither to initiate nor to participate in any such proceedings in any capacity.

14. Arbitration procedure
You agree to the arbitration proceedings in accordance with the law of Delaware.

15. Survival and severability
Any portion of these Terms that reasonably should survive the termination of your License is hereby agreed to do so. If any provision of these Terms is deemed illegal or invalid for any reason, then that provision will be severed and the rest of these Terms will remain intact and enforceable.

16. Integration
The Company’s failure to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of those rights or provisions. These Terms represent the entire and complete agreement between you and the Company, including any future modification of these Terms, superseding any prior agreements or communications between you and the Company. Any ambiguities in these Terms shall be construed in the light most favorable to the Company.

17. Act of God
The Company’s performance under these Terms shall be excused if the failure of such performance is caused by forces beyond its reasonable control. This includes but is not limited to the acts of God, acts of any government, war or civil unrest, severe weather, fire, natural disasters, political embargos, terrorism, power or equipment failure, industrial or labor disputes or controversies, acts of any third party, or technology failures.

18. Contacts
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact the Company at info@piqle.io.